The Populist Moment by Richard Goodwyn – Populists of the late 19th century fighting corporate power.
Lies Across America
Lies Across America by James Loewen
The Stand
Washington State Labor Council’s daily electronic newspaper –
The Union Edge
The Union Edge – Pittsburgh PA based daily labor radio program –
We Do the Work
We Do the Work – Mt. Vernon WA based weekly radio program – KSVR – We Do the Work show archives
Worker Independent News
Worker Independent News – national radio –
Two Profiles in Courage
This article was originally published for The Retiree Advocate at in July 2016.
Forty-four years ago I was a poor recent college graduate and antiwar activist. I moved from Chicago to Seattle to work on my brother Jim’s campaign for governor. He was opposed to the Vietnam War, and he was fighting for universal health care, mass transit, and a more just world. He ran hard but lost. For the next 44 years, Jim and I continued to fight for economic, racial and social justice, peace, and much more. Brother Jim chose the path of serving in elected office; my path was as a lifelong labor and community activist and appointed official for three governors and four Seattle mayors. Continue reading “Two Profiles in Courage”
Finding Common Ground Across Our Differences
This article was originally published for The Retiree Advocate at in April 2016.
My post-retirement career has taken me around the state and country speaking to a wide range of organizations. My consistent themes have been finding common ground across our differences as we work toward a country with greater economic, racial, and social justice. Continue reading “Finding Common Ground Across Our Differences”
Putting Our Time and Money Where Our Hearts Are in the 2016 Elections
This article was originally published for The Retiree Advocate at in March 2016.
I wish I could have a face-to-face, one-on-one conversation about the 2016 elections with each of you. I can’t, so I will try through this article. Continue reading “Putting Our Time and Money Where Our Hearts Are in the 2016 Elections”
Finding Inspiration and Courage in Egypt
This article was originally published for The Retiree Advocate at in February 2016.
Last November, my wife and I spent almost a month in Egypt and Ethiopia. It was a trip of a lifetime experiencing the history of 3,000 years of rule of the Pharaohs and the modern day struggles for democracy and freedom against the modern day Pharaohs. Continue reading “Finding Inspiration and Courage in Egypt”